Discipleship Plan
Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” – John 8:31. A Christian disciple follows Jesus, becoming more and more like Him through a life of faith and obedience. If you choose to follow Christ as a committed disciple, you may end up influencing the lives of many. Grow as a disciple who makes other disciples to make Jesus known everywhere.

Core Concepts
The Core Concepts are the foundation of App State discipleship. If you’re disciple has not gone through them, then this is the right place to start:
Notes on teaching Core Concepts
-Confidence (Student and Leader Guide)​
-Forgiveness (Student and Leader Guide)
4. How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit
-Empowered (Student and Leader Guide)
5. How to Confess and Breathe Spiritually
-Equipped (Student and Leader Guide)
8. The Knowing God Personally Booklet
9. Challenging someone to Discipleship

Multiplying Discipleship
-The Bible Project: Overview Videos (ongoing)
Maturity (Student and Leader Guide)
Maturity (Student and Leader Guide)
6. God's Heart for Those Who Don't Know Him
8. The Surrendered Life of a Disciple
13. How and Who to Invite to Discipleship
15. How to Use Soularium Cards
Click here for additional resources
Core Concepts
Notes on teaching Core Concepts
-Confidence (Student and Leader Guide)​
-Forgiveness (Student and Leader Guide)
4. How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit
-Empowered (Student and Leader Guide)
5. How to Confess and Breathe Spiritually
-Equipped (Student and Leader Guide)
8. The Knowing God Personally Booklet